James Thrift James Thrift

Is Lineage BJJ the Right Fit for You? Embracing Our Core Values, Mission, and Vision

A Place Where Members Are Valued

At Lineage BJJ, we deeply value each and every one of our members. We are more than just an academy—we are a community, a family. When you become part of Lineage BJJ, you’re not just joining a gym; you’re earning your place on a team that supports, uplifts, and challenges you to be your best.

However, we also recognize that we may not be the right fit for everyone, and that’s perfectly okay. Our academy is built on strong values and a commitment to excellence, safety, and mutual respect. If you align with these principles, then you’ve earned your spot in our family, and we are honored to have you with us.

But if you’re seeking a different path—one that might prioritize ego over growth, or fame over skill development—then Lineage BJJ might not be the right place for you. For those who share our vision and values, know that you are valued, and you’ve earned your place among us.

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News Letter James Thrift News Letter James Thrift

Lineage News Letter - August 2024

Welcome to the August edition of the Lineage BJJ Monthly Newsletter! This month, we have exciting updates, important announcements, and special features just for you. From upcoming competitions and belt promotions to member spotlights and exclusive techniques, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss our FREE Women's Self-Defense Class on August 10th, and be sure to register for the Super Seminar, Black Belt Promotions, and BBQ on September 7th.

We’re also celebrating the achievements of our members, like Britteny Thrift’s new book release and Jack Sudduth’s inspiring journey in Jiu-Jitsu. Plus, learn a new guard pass technique and submit your questions for our "Ask a Black Belt" section.

Join us as we continue to build the largest and most supportive martial arts community in Southern Maryland. If you're interested in improving your fitness, self-defense skills, or competing, contact us today for a free trial offer. Grow with us both on and off the mats!

Stay connected, stay engaged, and stay on the path to greatness. Thank you for being part of the Lineage BJJ family!

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